Poor ovarian reserve is the number of eggs in women being less than normal due to advancing age or genetic factors. Even in patients with no problems in their ovarian function, there may be a decrease and weakening in the ovarian reserve. This situation reduces the chance of pregnancy and can lead to infertility. In women with poor ovarian reserve, in vitro fertilization treatment and other reproductive support methods can be used to conceive.

You can find detailed information about weak ovaries in the rest of our article. You can contact our clinic for   weak ovary treatment and make an appointment with  .

What is Weak Ovary?

In women, egg reserve begins to form while in the womb, and an unborn baby has an average egg reserve of 6 million. The number of eggs reaches a peak of 5-6 million in the womb, and decreases to around 1-2 million at birth, and to 250-600 thousand when puberty begins and the reproductive period begins. In women over the age of 35, this number drops to 25,000; during menopause, an ovarian reserve of less than 1,000 is encountered. Weak ovarian reserve can occur due to advancing age or genetic, physiological factors, and surgery. In women with weak ovarian reserve, the chance of pregnancy becomes quite low due to the low number of eggs.

What Causes Weak Ovaries?

Weak ovarian reserve, which occurs when the number of eggs decreases, usually occurs with advancing age. The number of eggs gradually decreases from birth until puberty. During puberty, there is one ovulation each month, and until menopause, there are almost no eggs left in the ovarian reserve.

The low number of eggs in the ovarian reserves also depends on other factors such as lifestyle, unhealthy diet, and medications used. Smoking and alcohol use are factors that negatively affect ovarian reserves. A healthy life and regular diet support the preservation of egg reserves and the production of quality eggs.

In addition, genetic or physiological diseases can also cause a decrease in the number of eggs. A history of early menopause or poor ovarian capacity in other women in the family increases the likelihood of having poor ovarian reserve. Other major diseases that cause a decrease in the number of eggs are;

  • X chromosome-related anomalies; Fragile X, Turner syndrome,
  • Ovarian cysts – especially chocolate cysts,
  • Endometriosis, which means that the tissue inside the uterus forms in an area other than the ovaries or uterus,
  • Previous ovarian surgeries,
  • Ovarian torsion, also known as ovarian rotation,
  • Ovarian tumors,
  • Treatments that damage the ovaries, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy,
  • It appears as immune system problems.

How to Measure Ovarian Reserve?

Three different methods can be used to measure ovarian reserve: antral follicle count, anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) test and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) test.

Antral follicle counting is the specialist physician counting follicles using ultrasound imaging. Follicles are sacs located inside the ovaries that contain egg cells. In other words, each follicle contains an egg with maturation potential. This test, which is suitable for the beginning of the menstrual cycle, provides information about the status of egg reserves. For women who will apply for egg freezing, antral follicle counting provides information about the number of eggs that can be frozen in an ovulation cycle.

Anti-mullerian hormone is a protein hormone produced by the cells in the follicles. Therefore, the total number of eggs can be measured with the AMH test to be applied, depending on the AMH level in the blood. The AMH test can be performed by taking blood from the patient at any time, since the anti-mullerian hormone level remains constant throughout the ovulation cycle.

The third way to measure ovarian reserves is the FSH test. This test, which is performed as a blood test on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation, measures the FSH hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. A higher than normal FSH level indicates low ovarian reserve. However, a low FSH level does not necessarily mean normal ovarian reserve. Therefore, in addition to the FSH test, it would be useful to perform the AMH test.

You can contact our clinic and make an appointment for   weak ovary and all other gynecological diseases and obstetrics practices.

What Should Egg Reserve Be in Women?

As a result of antral follicle count, the detection of 4-10 follicles at the beginning of the menstrual cycle is an indicator of normal ovarian reserve. In patients who have undergone AMH testing, an AMH level between 1.0-4.0 ng/ml indicates a high fertility rate. However, although a low AMH value indicates difficulty in conceiving, a low AMH value never means that the patient cannot conceive.

How to Treat Weak Ovaries?

There is no treatment to increase ovarian reserve in women with poor ovarian reserve. However, it is possible to take some precautions for the main problem caused by poor ovarian reserve, which is the failure to conceive. First of all, the patient’s pregnancy plans are examined. Patients who want to get pregnant but cannot conceive can be directed to assisted reproduction treatments such as in vitro fertilization. In patients who do not yet want to get pregnant, egg freezing can be used to preserve their reproductive potential.

  Weak Ovarian Treatment Prices

In patients with weak ovarian reserve, treatment is created depending on the patient’s history and pregnancy plans. Therefore, treatment prices may vary depending on the current treatment plan. You can contact our clinic to get information about   weak ovary treatment prices; You can make an appointment with  .