Ovarian cysts, also known as ovarian cysts, are masses that form in or on the ovaries in women. Sometimes they are also found on the edge of the tubes and are also called paraovarian or paratubal cysts. Cysts contain fluid, blood or a gelatinous substance. Ovarian cysts, which are a very common disease, can cause symptoms such as menstrual irregularity, pain, and excessive bleeding. However, sometimes they may not cause any symptoms. Although their sizes vary, the majority of cysts are small. Depending on the complaints and symptoms they cause, ovarian cysts may require treatment.
You can find detailed information about ovarian cyst treatment in the rest of our article. You can contact our clinic for ovarian cyst treatment and make an appointment with .
What is an Ovarian Cyst?
Ovarian cysts are usually benign, asymptomatic masses. Although they are confused with myomas that form in the uterus, ovarian cysts do not form in the uterus like myomas, but in or on the ovaries. Unlike other cysts that form in the body, ovarian cysts do not usually cause dysfunction. Therefore, cysts that do not cause any complaints in the patient can be detected during routine gynecological examinations.
Ovarian cysts usually occur due to hormonal irregularities. There are small sacs called follicles in the ovaries that are responsible for the ovulation function. These sacs, which contain the egg cell, mature and crack during the menstrual cycle to reveal the egg. When these follicles, which should crack and release eggs regularly during each menstrual cycle, do not crack, cyst formation occurs. Hormonal regulation has a great effect on the development of the egg cell inside the follicles. Disruption of hormonal balance can prevent the follicles from completing their development normally. For this reason, follicles that do not crack become cysts in the ovaries. This cyst structure that forms further increases hormonal irregularity, making it difficult to complete the ovulation process.
In addition to follicle cysts in the ovaries,
- Inclusion cysts that are microscopic in size and do not cause any symptoms,
- Cyst formation in the corpus luteum tissue, which is formed by the differentiation of the tissue from which the egg cell is released,
- Endometrioma, also known as chocolate cyst, occurs when the lining of the uterus also forms in the ovaries as a result of endometriosis disease.
- Theca-lutein cyst, which usually occurs in those undergoing infertility treatment due to excessive hormone secretion.
- Immature teratoma or benign cystadenomas,
- Gestational luteoma may be encountered during pregnancy.
What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?
Usually, small cysts disappear on their own over time without any symptoms. Cysts that grow and pose a risk of bursting can cause pain. The most common ovarian cyst symptoms are;
- Menstrual irregularity,
- Abdominal bloating,
- Pain in the abdomen and groin,
- Fever, nausea or vomiting,
- Digestive system disorders,
- These are complaints related to the urinary tract.
How is Ovarian Cyst Treated?
Many ovarian cysts go away on their own without requiring treatment. However, cysts that cause complaints and pose a risk to the patient’s health need to be treated. In the treatment of ovarian cysts, the treatment method is determined by considering factors such as the patient’s symptoms, the size and structure of the cyst, and the patient’s age.
In the treatment of ovarian cyst , medication can be used by using birth control pills. Birth control pills regulate the menstrual cycle and hormonal balance and suppress ovarian functions. In this way, the cyst shrinks and disappears. The formation of new cysts is prevented.
- In cysts that exceed 8-10 cm or are observed to grow continuously during regular follow-up,
- In cysts that are likely to be malignant as a result of the examinations performed,
- Surgical intervention may be required for cysts that cause severe pain.
What is Ovarian Cyst Surgery?
Ovarian cyst surgeries are usually performed using the laparoscopic method, also known as closed surgery. Laparoscopic ovarian cyst surgery is performed in an operating room while the patient is under general anesthesia. A small incision of approximately 1 cm is made in the navel, allowing the tissue inside to be seen with the help of a laparoscopic camera. The camera is positioned so that the ovaries and uterus can be viewed. During the surgery, the ovarian cyst is separated from the ovary and removed. In cases where it is deemed necessary, the removed cyst can be sent for pathological examination.
Ovarian cyst surgeries performed by laparoscopic method can take between 1 and 2.5 hours. Since a delicate surgical intervention is required to preserve the ovary and cysts such as chocolate cysts can cause adhesions, the surgeries can take a long time. After the surgery, the patient should be kept under observation for 1 or 2 days. Patients can return to their daily lives within an average of 1 week.
Ovarian Cyst Treatment Prices
Ovarian cysts can occur for different reasons and have different structures. The ovarian cyst treatment method is decided according to the type of cyst and the complaints it creates in the patient. The treatment is planned after a specialist physician examines the patient gynecologically and performs the tests and examinations deemed necessary by the physician. Therefore, treatment prices may vary. You can contact our clinic to get more detailed information about ovarian cyst treatment prices and make an appointment.