Pre-pregnancy counseling   includes the evaluation of all couples planning to have a child, from a medical perspective, on all issues that may concern the pregnancy process. It is beneficial for those with chronic and hereditary diseases, as well as prospective parents without any health problems, to seek expert medical counseling before pregnancy. In couples who seek expert medical counseling before pregnancy, the risks that may be encountered during pregnancy are minimized.

You can find detailed information about pre-pregnancy counseling in the rest of our article. You can contact our clinic for pre-pregnancy counseling in   and make an appointment with  

What is Pre-Pregnancy Counseling?

With the pre-pregnancy consultancy service provided by gynecologists, all possible problems during pregnancy are evaluated. In this way, the most appropriate guidance for the pregnancy process is provided to the prospective mother and father. The genetic and physical characteristics, age, weight, and lifestyle of the prospective mother and father are important criteria for the pregnancy process and mother-baby health. Before pregnancy, a detailed analysis of all these criteria is performed within the consultancy service received from the specialist physician. Thus, the possible problems encountered during pregnancy are determined and appropriate treatment options are determined to solve these problems.

What Should Be Considered for a Healthy Pregnancy?

Pre-pregnancy counseling is a counseling service that women who are planning to get pregnant should apply for before pregnancy occurs. In this way, the mother and father-to-be are provided with the necessary information before pregnancy on how to go through the pregnancy process in the healthiest way possible. It should not be forgotten that the following should be taken into consideration for a healthy pregnancy process:

  • Taking into account the medical condition and genetic structure of the mother and father,
  • By a gynecologist,
  • It should be determined specifically for each prospective parent.

However, there are some factors that need to be taken into consideration, regardless of the couple’s general health status and genetic structure. In order to have a healthy pregnancy process;

  • Chronic diseases such as thyroid and diabetes that the mother has should be controlled and treated before pregnancy,
  • In order to protect the mother and baby against infectious diseases, the necessary vaccinations should be made before pregnancy,
  • Starting folic acid supplements, which play a role in preventing brain and spinal cord injuries, 3 months before pregnancy,
  • Helping the expectant mother reach her ideal weight with a healthy nutrition program before pregnancy,
  • Sharing the mother’s experiences from previous pregnancies with the specialist physician and listening to her previous pregnancy stories,
  • It is important to pay attention to factors such as previous miscarriages, cesarean births, etc.

What are Early Pregnancy Problems?

Another benefit of pre-pregnancy counseling is that it makes it easier to cope with early pregnancy problems experienced in the first trimester. The first trimester covers the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, in other words the first 3 months. During this period, the expectant mother may begin to experience some physical discomfort due to the beginning of the pregnancy process. The most common early pregnancy problems are;

  • Nausea and vomiting, especially increasing in the morning,
  • Dizziness,
  • Heart palpitations
  • Breast tenderness
  • Groin pain
  • It appears as a feeling of weakness and fatigue.

What is the Purpose of Pre-Pregnancy Counseling?

With the pre-pregnancy consultancy service provided by specialist physicians;

  • Evaluation of risks that may arise during pregnancy in terms of mother and baby health,
  • Providing counseling to prospective parents regarding current risks and specifying possible intervention options,
  • Initiating all necessary initiatives to ensure maximum health during pregnancy for both mother and baby,
  • Minimizing the risks of congenital anomalies,
  • Preventing medical problems that may occur in the mother due to pregnancy and minimizing the risks,
  • Increasing the chances of a healthy pregnancy and a healthy birth,
  • Determining diseases that are at risk of being transmitted to the baby,
  • Evaluation of blood compatibility of mother and father,
  • It is aimed for the expectant mother to have information about early pregnancy problems.

  Pre-Pregnancy Consultancy Prices

Pre-pregnancy counseling service may require different tests and examinations depending on the medical condition of the mother and father candidate. For this reason, pre-pregnancy counseling prices may vary from patient to patient and from clinic to clinic. You can contact our clinic to get detailed information about   pre-pregnancy counseling prices and make an appointment.